Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015

How companies can cultivate employee satisfaction in the office



An amazing corporate culture can be a company’s most powerful weapon, making it more competitive and helping to retain employees. Mashable’s latest #BizChats on Twitter drew together experts to talk about the tricky work of creating a great corporate culture

Over the course of an hour, @MashBusiness covered an array of questions, ranging from what companies should focus on to help employees achieve strong work-life balance, to how companies can get employees in different departments to interact more.

Several experts on corporate behavior weighed in, including Jeff Haden, active ghostwriter in HR, speaker, & contributing editor at Inc. Magazine; Steve Boese, co-chair of the HR Technology Conference & co-host of the HR Happy Hour Show podcast; Suzanne Lucas, HR blogger; and William Tincup, principal analyst at KeyInterval Research Read more…

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